Fulfillment of the King University Mission and Core Values
King University holds high expectations of its nurse practitioner students in order to produce highly competent clinically experienced providers that provide high-quality, holistic patient care. King University (2019) states that students are prepared to be considerate, accountable, and resourceful with a passion to serve God, God's house, and the world. King University (2019) also expects students to adopt and apply core values, also referred to as professional pillars, including integrity, commitment, service, accountability, civility, and compassion. These values will contribute to my success in life as well as my cultural transformation in Christ as they reflect the image and teachings of God. Jesus is all of these things to His people, and while we can not be perfect, we can strive to meet these core values and this will lead to a successful career and closer relationship with God.
Jesus is the best example of integrity. He was tempted for 40 days and 40 nights and never broke his promise to God. He is honest and keeps his word. He is always there for us in ways that we may not understand, but His plan is for our own well-being. I incorporate this pillar into my chosen master's prepared role by practicing with the mindset that whatever my plan is for my patients, it is honest, patient-centered, and safe.
God made a commitment to us when He sent His only son to die for our sins. Christ made the ultimate and eternal commitment to us when he died on the cross for our sins. I incorporate this pillar into my chosen master's prepared role by committing to my patients that I am providing them with up-to-date evidence-based holistic care. I commit myself to them that I am practicing safe medicine that is patient-centered.
When it comes to love, we are expected to love God with all of our heart, soul, and mind. We are also expected to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Love is an action; a service. I am committed to being of service to my patients and caring for them holistically. I incorporate this pillar by caring for the whole patient and being of service to them to achieve their healthcare goals.
We are accountable for every word and action to God. In practice, I am accountable to God, my supervising physician, my patients, my office in which I practice, my board of nursing, and my state in which I practice. I am held accountable to many statutes, laws, regulations, policies, and core beliefs to ensure that I know what is right.
Kindness comes in many forms. It can be a prayer for someone suffering, food for someone hungry, a smile to a stranger, or a word of compassion or encouragement. It doesn't cost anything to be kind, but it can mean the world to someone in need. This goes hand and hand with loving others as we love ourselves. In practice, I may be pressed with time, I may not agree with someone's lifestyle, and I may be mentally exhausted from making many clinical decisions during the day. However, I should still be kind.
Christ has compassion on us as sinners every single day. When we pray to Him and pour our hearts out to Him for our needs, He takes compassion on us through forgiveness. He promises not to give us more than we can handle in life because of His compassion for us. I am to have this compassion for my patients. I am to be sympathetic, caring, and show concern for my patients that are suffering. In practice, I should utilize the recourses that are available to my patients in order to help them out of their suffering, if able.
King University has molded me into my role as a nurse practitioner over the length of this program through its mission statement, core values, and high expectations. The instructors in this program have been excellent leaders in education and role models of the profession. I committed myself to the mission and core values of King University the day I was accepted into the program. With every assignment, paper, group project, clinical hour, and reflective journal I applied my absolute best and preserved the mission and core values. King University required me to critically think about how I apply the professional pillars in every clinical experience. This requirement provided me with the foundation to build my knowledge of the profession, which is essential in order to provide high-quality, holistic patient care. Throughout every clinical experience and every patient interaction, I evaluated myself professionally to ensure that I met every core value.
At King, I was required to do a service-learning assignment with a partner. Several King students and myself had the opportunity to serve chronically ill children at an annual dance called "One Unforgettable Night" sponsored by Children's Hospital. This service supports the community by giving these chronically ill children a fun-filled night where they don't have to focus on their illness. There were games and prizes that they could win. Everyone wore a costume and some won prizes for their costumes. This was a learning experience because we were able to be apart of these kids' lives for a night and help them to have a great time. One student had to support a child while they had a seizure. I met the service core value with this project by serving these awesome children and helping them to take their mind off of their illness for one night and just have fun.